High School Health Tech Pioneer Advances Disease Detection and Patient Accessibility


Unscripted Podcast Series

Student founders working on a start-up the past 2 years have created a 30-second home based AI brain health evaluation utilizing advanced imaging and neural analysis for non-invasive early disease detection. Personalized and tailored, this new gaze tracking system is non-invasive, has remote capabilities, and costs less — bringing remote detection to more providers and more patients via tele-ophthalmology. Identifying ocular biomarkers can point to several serious conditions, including Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Listen to the podcast here: https://rss.com/podcasts/partnersindigitalhealth/1256618/?listen-on=true

  • Say Mattapalli | Co-Founder and CEO, Vytal
  • Sweta Sneha, PhD | Kennesaw University, USA



Partners in Digital Health
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